
The 13th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Radiology 参加・発表


第13回アジア口腔顎顔面歯科放射線学会(13 ACOMFR)が2022年6月3日(金)~6月4日(土)までの2日間にわたりWEB開催されました。



平原「Quantitative assessment of the bilateral lateral pterygoid muscles in patients with rheumatoid arthritis using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging」

伊東「Magnetic resonance imaging texture analysis to differentiate squamous cell carcinoma from medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw」

村岡「Utility of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of osteomyelitis of the mandible」

澤田「Increased apparent diffusion coefficient values of masticatory muscles in patients with temporomandibular joint disorder and unilateral pain」

板倉「Risk assessment of condylar fractures by mandibular cortical width using computed tomography」

岡田「The role of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the mandibular bone marrow of patients with periodontitis」

小松「Effects of artifacts from dental materials in digital images」

近藤「Assessment of age-related changes in salivary glands using diffusion-weighted imaging」

小日向「A case of ameloblastic fibro-odontoma in the maxillary anterior region」